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Javier Sendra-Arranz

PhD Student

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at department of Mathematics at CUNEF University since September 2024. Previously I was a PhD student under the supervision of Daniele Agostini between the University of Tübingen (Germany) and the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences in Leipzig (Germany) working in Algebraic Geometry. The first two years of my position was jointly supported by the MPI MIS and "La Caixa" Postgraduate Fellowships Abroad.

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About me

I completed my bachelor degree in Mathematics at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. Afterwards I moved to Bonn, Germany, where I completed the Master in Mathematics at the University of Bonn. My master thesis is entitled Gromov-Witten theory of elliptic curves and K3 surfaces and it was jointly supervised by Georg Oberdieck and Johannes Schmitt.


I received my PhD from the University of Tübingen and the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Science (MPI MIS), under the supervision of Daniele Agostini. I spent the first two years of my PhD in the Max Planck research group in Algebraic Geometry. There, my position was jointly supported by the MPI MIS and "La Caixa Postgraduate Fellowships Abroad". During the last year of my PhD I was located at the University of Tübingen in the reseach group of Kombinatorische Algebraische Geometrie.


My research interest lies in the field of Algebraic Geometry from a theoretical, computational or applied point of view. In particular, among others, I am interested in algebraic curves, enumerative geometry, Moduli spaces, Hilbert Schemes, Gromov-Witten theory, Hessian maps, tensor, and applications of Algebraic Geometry to game theory.

Publications and Preprints

  1.   Recovery of Plane Curves from Branch Points (2022), Discrete and Computational Geometry. Daniele Agostini, Hannah Markwig, Clemens Nollau, Victoria Schleis, Javier Sendra-Arranz, and Bernd Sturmfels. 

  2.   Nash Conditional Independence Curve (2022), Journal of Symbolic Computation. Irem Portakal and Javier Sendra-Arranz. 

  3. The Hessian correspondence of hypersurfaces of degree 3 and 4 (2023). Javier Sendra-Arranz. arXiv:2307.10415

  4. Game Theory of Undirected Graphical models (2024). Irem Portakal and Javier Sendra-Arranz. arXiv:2402.13246 

Current Teaching

  • Mathematics I, Course 2024/2025. CUNEF University.

Past Teaching

  • Teaching assistance to Introduction to Combinatorial Birational Geometry. Winter semester 2023-2024. University of Tübingen.

  • Proseminar on Plane Algebraic Curves. Summer semester 2024. University of Tübingen.

Upcoming Activities

Past Activities





CUNEF University,

Calle de Leonardo Pietro Castro 2,

28040, Madrid, Spain.



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